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This book was fantastic, and I loved it

Review by CurlyGirlie

I was glued to the book from the second I got it, and through tears and laughs, finished it in under 12 hours. I felt like I was the characters in the book, like, I took a trip to Gideon's battle, or Mama's famous home cooked dinner. I learned so much from this book, and would definitely love reading more from this amazing author with very talented writing skills. This book made me realize, that your time on Earth is precious. Live your life to the fullest, and never go to bed without a smile. Even in times of war, the people of Israel were singing and dancing and just smiling. I really loved this book, and I will tell anyone who asks, this was a great book and YOU (yes, you, who else would I be talking to????) should read this fantastically written and thought out book, to bring you back to Israel, during the time of the Six Day War.

Jul 05, 2017 07:28 PM
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God protects us, even with a cat!

Review by TrooperYeager

I never heard of this war before reading this book. The Jewish people stood strong while being surrounded by people who wanted them gone. It amazes me how God protects the Jewish people like he protected the Israelites. I appreciate my family and the military even more. Very good book!

Jul 05, 2017 06:06 PM
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Good Book!

Review by HadasahV

I really liked this book except it had bad words. :( :( :( :(

Jul 05, 2017 05:15 PM
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Review by sisipjlibrary

this was a beautiful book it was sad joy and capturing all at once!!!

Jul 05, 2017 12:43 PM
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Awesome book!!!!

Review by lemonsqueak

This book made me think about Jewish history because there was a big war that Israel participated in 1967. I thought that it was interesting that the people had to go into bomb shelters under buildings when the war started and that the kids ran home from the bomb shelter in their school. This is a great book but a little bit sad. i don't want to tell you why because that will reveal too much. Read it to find out more about the Six-Day War.

Jul 04, 2017 07:29 PM