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I enjoyed "the mystery" part of the book the best!

Review by Design Team

As her best friend, Callie is staying in Kansas for the year, Amy is in a mix of jumbled up thoughts. She has almost no friends except for some “geeky” girls who knit. She also has a crush on a hottie named John. Then one of her teachers assigns a project about Judaism and Amy finds herself working with a neighbor, Miss Sophia, and a religious boy, Beryl. They then together discover a very important piece of history. Told in emails and letters, this book is a great read! I found this book to be slow at the beginning but got sillier towards the end. by Hannah, age 10, Ohio

Sep 02, 2015 04:03 AM
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So funny!

Review by happygirl12345

This book is about a girl who's best friend moves away. At the beginning, she's not open to new things, but new people and adventures change that, and you can really see her character grow. LOVED IT!

Apr 02, 2015 11:43 AM
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Engaging and funny!

Review by Design Team

Review by Noa, New York Amy Finawitz is an amazing read about a teen girl growing up in New York City. Amy encounters many challenges through her journey of becoming a Jewish adult, many of which are very relatable. The story is engaging and funny, the characters well developed, and the NYC setting is perfect for the star.

Jan 01, 2015 04:07 AM