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not bad or good

Review by Littlebird

not such a good book

Jan 09, 2017 04:59 PM
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Review by PolarBear1

Jan 05, 2017 06:00 PM
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It was fine

Review by GreenHorse

I liked this book but I couldn't feel for Zelda. She didn't seem real. Even though she made mistakes it was silly mistakes and she seemed fake. But I could feel for her grandfather more. I recommend reading the first two books first. I think I would have felt for Zelda more if I read the first two books first.

Jan 04, 2017 11:02 PM
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Review by one-person zoo

I couldn't put this book down! I would definitely recommend this book if you want to read about the Holocaust, but don't want to be fully consumed in the sadness of it. Five stars!

Jan 04, 2017 09:36 PM
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This was a really good book, but it was the third book in the series.

Review by GoMets

Five things about this book: 1. Each chapter starts with the word NOW. 2. It's kind of sad. 3. There are to books before it (Once and Then). 4. It has bullying in it. 5. There is a new book, After. I recommend this book to people who want to know more about the Holocaust.

Jan 04, 2017 08:53 PM