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Great book!

Review by gocute1

This book is really good! It's about a boy named David who is starting middle school and is having a hard time but his videos that he makes are starting to help him through everything.

Feb 01, 2016 06:12 PM
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Review by phillyevelyn

it's a good book. the main character makes funny videos with his best friend, that is until his best friend wanted to hang out with his enemy. So he's on his own until he meets a girl who loves his videos. But she's not the same as Elliot. She doesn't understand how his mom left him and when his moms last present dies things get even worse. Will he make up with the friend who understands him the most?

Feb 01, 2016 04:00 PM
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Review by aricat


Jan 28, 2016 06:31 PM
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Really good book!

Review by Narwhal Lover

This is a really good book! I agree with what some people said, though- that middle school is NOT that bad. I've never met anybody who has been bullied like that. But ignoring that, this book is totally true to life, with friend problems, and going into middle school for the first time. The author did a really good job voicing this character, and it's a very well written book. I would recommend it!

Jan 24, 2016 07:22 PM
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A must read!!!

Review by Music

This book is about a boy who likes making funny videos of his hamster with his best friend until his friend thinks a girl likes him, and they spend all summer in the mall looking for her. When they go to middle school, the boy gets bullied and his best friend doesn’t play with him anymore. His new best friend is a girl named Sophie and … you need to read more to find out what happens next!!!

Jan 19, 2016 09:22 PM