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Review by 567581

I would definitely recommend this book! I have no other words to say except these two: Read it!

Nov 08, 2019 07:44 PM
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the best pj library book ever

Review by cookiecats2008

this is the best pj library book iv ever read sorry if me gramer is bad i have to get of soon but this is hands down the best pj library book ever i hily recomend it to evry one

Nov 07, 2019 09:40 PM
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Doughnuts inside. Do I need to say more?

Review by chessbug

There is doughnuts. What's not to like? This book was insanely good, and I read it a million times. It ends on an amazing cliffhanger that compelled me to read the second book. Tristan goes through the transition into a new town, and gets used to the suburbs. Plus, there's doughnuts, so it can't be that bad, can it? One last question: can you really miss two months of school, make a doughnut business, make money, and eat doughnuts?

Nov 07, 2019 07:34 PM
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it's really good!

Review by Jellycatgirl

This book was written really well and was easy to follow. It was really funny and it made me pretty hungry. Their were some exciting parts and some were a little gross and bizarre .Plus there were some nice recipes at the end and inspired my mother to make donuts!

Nov 07, 2019 11:24 AM
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Good Book

Review by TacoBagel

This was a good book. But once you read it, it makes you hungry for CHOCOLATE CREAM DONUTS!!!! So, if you are a foodie, maybe you shouldn't get this book. But if you're ok with that, then go, and try it!

Nov 07, 2019 08:49 AM