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Interesting and makes you think

Review by EinBaya

I thought this book had a few stereotypes, but overall it was really good! I think that it really makes you think about what you have and don't have.

May 01, 2020 08:15 PM
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Such a hard journey!!!!!!!

Review by jmc

This book is great!!!!! You should totally read it!!!!!

Apr 04, 2020 08:07 PM
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If you don't want spoilers, don't read this reveiw.

Review by PaleontologistP

This book is about as good as a Jewish-Mexican family book gets. Sometimes the thing you run from is the thing you have to get back to to be safe again. You almost turn thirteen and your family reveals a secret you weren't ready for. You're family was Jewish. Jewish-turned-Catholic to be exact. The year is 1879. You're family was Spanish, then Mexican, then American. The first Abrano was Jewish. He saw everything get taken from him. His family, his religion, his practices, his home, all got robbed from him during the Spanish Inquisition. And then The first Abrano saw it all get built back up. So when 12-almost-thirteen-year-old Miguel learns this secret, He runs from everything he knew. EVERYTHING he new. He gets captured, he escapes, he finds a friend, and he's brought back home in an exciting adventure. I expect nothing less!!!!

Apr 04, 2020 11:41 AM
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Review by fairysparkle

Mar 07, 2020 11:16 PM
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Review by booklover1

very detailed descriptive and I really enjoyed it!

Mar 05, 2020 10:36 PM