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Very encouraging

Review by Strength

This book made me more confident

Jul 09, 2019 07:11 AM
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Review by BK123

I think it taught me about facing your fears. It was an ok book.😐😏

Jul 02, 2019 01:34 PM
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It is good

Review by Doglover51

It is fun to read it is all about a boy who's cousin comes to live with him. The boy is scared of everything but his cousin helps him be braver!

Jul 01, 2019 07:23 PM
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Great book!

Review by Yelly314

I would recommend this book to anyone, but especially to you if you are really scared of something. After you read it, you should tell your friends and family and neighbors and anyone else that you know about it. The content is great, but I think the chapters are a bit too short. It has a very surprising ending, which isn't so good at first, but then it gets better. You should definitely read it, because you can learn a lot from this wonderful book about Seymour Goldfarb facing his fears.👑🚳

Jun 26, 2019 07:08 AM
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Review by sarelleo

Jun 12, 2019 07:02 PM