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Great book!!!

Review by Monkey26

I liked it. I couldn't put the book down. The characters are great.

Nov 01, 2023 09:01 PM
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Anya and The Nightingale

Review by LordOfTheReads

This book was absolutely amazing! I started reading and finished it the same day! If you have read this book, or haven't yet, There is a book called Anya and the last Dragon that comes first. Order the book and read them both! I promise It's soooooo amazing!!!

Sep 30, 2023 01:20 PM
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Review by artistwarrior

It is so amazing, I read it while I was eating, and I didn't want to PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 03, 2023 04:03 PM
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Pretty good!

Review by YS2012

I really enjoyed reading this book even though I didn't understand a couple of the words. It took me pretty long to read, considering I'm a slow reader, but it was definitely more interesting than the first book! If you haven't read the first book though, this might book might be confusing for you. But if you have, enjoy reading this! It was awesome!

Aug 10, 2023 12:56 AM
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Anya and the Nightingale

Review by Zemirah

Anya lived in a small village Zmeyreka where most folks had magical powers. She and two friends go on a journey to bring her missing father back home after he went to war. Along the way, they encounter many adventures and help save an elf (the nightingale) from a dungeon underneath the city of Kiev. It was a great fantasy book that taught me to be strong, and its okay to be different.

Aug 09, 2023 11:09 PM