


Snacks for the Sukkah

Snacks for the Sukkah

This Sukkot, enjoy togetherness inside the sukkah while reading PJ Library books together as a family and noshing on a few healthy snacks.

Sukkot is almost here! It’s a time when we shake the lulav and etrog and invite guests over to spend time with us in our sukkah.

Grab your favorite PJ Our Way book and some tasty snacks and head outdoors to enjoy this harvest holiday.
Since Sukkot takes place during the time of the harvest, it’s appropriate to enjoy such foods as fruits and vegetables. Here are a few healthy and easy-to-make snacks for you and your guests to enjoy:
Trail Mix 

Make a seasonal trail mix out of roasted pumpkin seeds, almonds, craisins, chocolate chips, and peanuts. If you have nut allergies in the family, swap the nuts for dry, roasted seeds, or mix cereal and dried fruit for an alternative trail mix.

"Ants on a Log"

Since stuffed foods are typical on Sukkot, go ahead and “stuff” cream cheese, nut butter, or school-safe sun butter into celery for a healthy snack. Top with raisins or dried cranberries for a sweet addition. What fun combinations can you make?

Vegetables and Hummus 

Cut up cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, or any other veggie favorites for dipping into hummus. Check out this blog for an awesome Israeli hummous recipe.


image via Tori Avey
Feeling adventurous and creative? Make a miniature edible sukkah! Grab some graham crackers, nut butters, crushed nuts, frosting, candy, pretzels, parsley, cereal, and more and get to work!

What do you like to eat in your sukkah? Comment below to let us know!



kid avatar
Oct 04, 2017 @ 4:28PM


I made a food sukkah today too

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